大学英语四级阅读理解集训稳固练习题及答案 Don’t dawdle away your time,or the young head will soon turn white.Then it wi
大学英语四级阅读理解集训稳固练习题及答案 Don’t dawdle away your time,or the young head will soon turn white.Then it will be in vain for you to moan and mourn for this.以下是为大家搜索的大学阅读理解集训稳固练习题 及答案,希望能给大家带来帮助!更多精彩内容请及时关注我们! Milleunials(千禧一代)have areputation for being pretty savvy(聪明的)with technology and social media——not to mention their finances----一but today’s young adults are clueless when it es to knowledge of their credit. Anew study conducted by the Consumer Federation of America and VantageScore Solutions finds that 18-34 year-olds lag behind older Americans on credit knowledge.Not that older generations are whiz kids when it es to credit——just over 40%of consumers surveyed even know what their credit score measures,for instance—but millennials have the dubious distinction(区别)of being even less-informed than other age groups. Only around half of milleunials have ever even bothered to order afree copy of their credit report,as pared to about three.quarters of older people surveyed. They’re more likely to think age plays arole in credit scoring,that the government keeps track of consumer credit data and that credit repair services can legitimately fix your credit(by and large,they Can’t).And while most of them know that alot of credit card debt,