2022-2023学年四川省广安市石垭中学高一英语测试题含解析一、 选择题1. The meaning you attempt to express through words may be exac
5. Although Tom is staying abroad, he is much ______ his family members. 学年四川省广安市石垭中学高一英语测试题含解析 2022-2023 A. concerning about B. concerned about 一、选择题 C. concerning with D. concerned with The meaning you attempt to express through words may be exactly opposite to 1. ______ 参考答案: others actually understand. B A. whyB. whatC. that D. which 参考答案: ---It’s nice! Never before ___such awonderful meal. 6. B ---I’m happy that you like it. ------ Dad, what kind of person am Iexpected to be by you and and my mum? 2. A. Ihave had B. had Ihad C. have Ihad D. Ihad ------ We do want you to be honest boy first, and then to be agood student at 参考答案: school. C A. an B. one C, 1 As the income is increasing, the ______ of family life has been changing over recent years. 7. 参考答案: A. modelB. patternC. exampleD. process A 参考答案: 3. It was not ________ she took off her dark glasses _________ Irealized she was afamous film star. B A. when; that B. until; that C. until; when D. when; then —May Iopen the window to let in some fresh air? 8. 参考答案: — b A. Come on!B. Take care C. Go ahead! D. Hold on! 略 参考答案: This is their first time to Beijing- __________ the children are so excited. 4. C A. no wonder B. no surprise C. no pity D. no doubt 参考答案: Oh, I’m not feeling well in the stomach, I_______ so much fried chicken just now. 9. A. shouldn’t eat B. mustn’t have eaten C. shouldn’t have eaten D. mustn’t A eat 知识点:交际用语 参考答案: Ano wonder no surpriseno pity no doubt 解析:选,难怪;没有意外;汉式英语;毋庸置疑 C —— 地:句意是:这是他们第一次来北京难怪孩子们这么兴奋。 10. --- I’m dead tired. Ican’t walk any farther, Jenny. 点拨:交际用语要根据句意,平时要多积累,避免汉式英语。