
办公室英语两肋插刀口语   以下是网的办公室英语两肋插刀口语,快来看看吧。   I should put my ass on the line for you.我理应为你两肋插刀的。   put my

办公室英语两肋插刀口语 以下是网的办公室英语两肋插刀口语,快来看看吧。 Ishould put my ass on the line for you.我理应为你两肋 插刀的。 put my ass on the line直译过来就是:“将我的屁股放在绳 子上”,这个短语的正确意思是:“两肋插刀,不惜一切”。因 此,当美国人说"I should put my ass on the line for you." 时,他/她要表达的意思就是:"I should help you as possible as Ican."、"I should try my best to support you."。 Terry: You've done me agreat favor today.Otherwise, I must have lost my job. 泰瑞:你今天可帮了我一个大忙,要不然我工作就保不住了。 Benjamin: We're friends, right? Ishould put my ass on the line for you. Ibelieve you'll do the same for me someday. 本杰明:我们是朋友,对吧?我理应为你两肋插刀的,我相信有 朝一日你也会为我这么做的。 ①You've really helped me alot. 你真的帮了我很多忙。 ②I'm grateful for your help. 对于你的帮助,我感谢不尽。 ③How can Irepay your kindness? 我该如何报答你的恩情呢? ④In order to help me, you nearly entrapped yourself to danger.
