2022年河北省衡水市建桥乡中学高二英语模拟试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Many retired people ____________ gardening as a hobby.A. take u
mean doing“” 意味着;句意:罗德决心弄一张音乐会的票,即使这意味着整夜地排队。 年河北省衡水市建桥乡中学高二英语模拟试卷含解析 2022 5. —What about the student in your class, Mr. Wang? 一、选择题 —The doctor said that sleep caused him poor memory and poor concentration. ____________ Many retired people gardening as ahobby. 1. Alacking of Blacked in Clacking ... Dlack for . A. take up B. take over C. take out D. take in 参考答案: 参考答案: C A ~Have you known Dr. Jackson for along time? 6. East of the mountain _______two towns, ________my hometown. 2. A. lies ;where lies B. lie; one of which is —Yessince shethe Chinese Society. , Clies; one of which is D. lie; one of them is . A. has joinedB. joinsC. had joinedD. joined 参考答案: 参考答案: B D 略 Remember that there is still one point ________ we must make clear at the conference 3. The couple’s ____ quarrelling influenced their son’s study. 7. tomorrow. A. complexB. completeC. instant D. constant 参考答案: A. where B. which C C. when D. as The palace is heavily guarded, because inside its walls ________. 8. 参考答案: A. where sit the European leaders B. the European leaders there sit C. sit the European leaders D. that the European leaders sit B 参考答案: point 【详解】考查定语从句。句意:记住,还有一点我们必须在明天的会议上阐明。此处是先行 C While watching television, __________. 9. makeB 词,指物,在后面的定语从句中作的宾语,故选。 A. the doorbell rang B. the doorbell rings Rod is determined to get aticket for the concert even if it means ________ in aqueue all 4. C. they heard the doorbell rings D. they heard the doorbell ring night. 参考答案: Ato stand Bstood .. D 10. Because of the bad management, this restaurant was not _______ it was 10 years ago. Cstanding Dto be stood .. A. half as good as what B. as half good as that 参考答案: C. as good as half what D. half as good as that C