
《彩虹颜色拼图》幼儿英语活动教案Introduction:Teaching colors to young learners can be a fun and interactive experien

《彩虹颜色拼图》幼儿英语活动教案 Introduction: Teaching colors to young learners can be afun and interactive experience when it's done right. One of the best ways to do this is through games and activities that get them interested and engaged. One such activity is the Rainbow Color Puzzle, which is an excellent way to teach children the colors of the rainbow. This lesson plan will walk you through how to conduct this activity with your young learners. Objective: The objective of this activity is to help young learners identify the different colors of the rainbow and put them in the correct order to complete the puzzle. Materials Needed: ● Rainbow color puzzle template ● Scissors ● Glue ● Crayons or markers 第1 页共 4页
