
广东省汕头市苏北中学2021-2022学年高三英语期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. Today, the adolescents are exposed to violence from the med

参考答案: 广东省汕头市苏北中学学年高三英语期末试题含解 2021-2022 D 析 一、选择题 Iwon't _______ any more of your nonsense —now get down to work! 5. A. get rid of B. put up with C. live up to D. get 1. Today, the adolescents are exposed to violence from the media directlyThis is _______ why . they are much more violent and harder . along with Asurely Bbadly Crarely ... 参考答案: Dmerely . B 参考答案: The virtual reality _______ the impression that everybody is gloriously attractive, but for the 6. A social media like Wechat and QQ having posted of people showing off their apparently 略 good lives. 2. The number of people invited ________ one hundred, but only asmall number of people A. have conveyedB. would have conveyed ______come. C. wouldn’t have conveyedD. haven’t conveyed A. are; have B. is ;has C. are ;has D. is ;have 参考答案: 参考答案: C D QQ 【详解】考查虚拟语气。句意:如果不是微信和等社交媒体发布了人们炫耀自己看似美好生活的 3. —Pity you missed the lecture on nuclear pollution. but for… 帖子,虚拟现实不会给人一种人人都魅力十足的印象。本句考查由引导的虚拟语气。根据虚 —I it, but Iwas busy preparing for ajob interview. AD“….….” 拟语气的用法可知,和不是虚拟语气,故排除。分析句意可知,要不是就不会出现,是 C 否定句,故选项 A.attended B.had attended C.would sttend The CEO of the company says he has apassion for Urumqi, _____ he remembers starting as 7. D.would have attended early as his childhood. 参考答案: A.where B.which C.what D.when D 参考答案: 4. The growth of flexible working patterns, and of training plans _more women to B take advantage of employment opportunities . Little Tony insisted that his mother _____ him to school. 8. Ahave allowed Ballow Callowing ... A. sentB. sendC. sendsD. sending Dallows .
