
PEP小学英语三年级教学案例Unit6 Happy Birthday (第五课时)教学目标与要求知识目标1、Enough of listening, speaking, recognizing and

PEP 小学英语三年级教学案例 Unit6 Happy Birthday () 第五课时 教学目标与要求 知识目标 1Enough of listening, speaking, recognizing and reading 、 words: ball, balloon, kite, car, boat, plane, doll . 2In real situations, students can use sentences: Look, I 、 have a...? And answer Me too. Oh, it's nice, express what they have. 能力目标 Develop and improve students use language in real situations in the ability of. 教学重点 Learn new wordscar, kite, boat, ball, balloon, plane, doll :。 教学难点 New wordsballoonkite and boat’s pronunciation and :、 using . 课前准备 PPT 教学课件()、录音机、单词卡片、球、各色气球、纸飞机。 教学步骤 Step1: Greeting and warm- up T: Hello! Boys and girls …How are you today ?ok, now ① let’s sing asong :“colour song ”,Are you ready ? (日常口语练习和唱歌,让学生在轻松愉快的气氛中进入最佳学 习状态,更让学生有开口说英语的自信。) T: yeah, let's see What's this? S: it’s a…T: what color ② is it ?S: It’s green.Twhat’s this?/what color is it 再个别对话: ?(), great !it’s ared pencil, look ,I 师拿铅笔、橡皮、文具盒等 have ared pencil ,S: me too !
