
浅谈小学数学建模的两个例题 摘要:数学建模就是用数学语言描述实际现象的过程。是一种数学的思考方法,是运用数学的语言和方法,通过抽象、简化

浅谈小学数学建模的两个例题 摘要: 数学建模就是用数学语言描述实际现象的过程。是一种数学的 思考方法,是运用数学的语言和方法,通过抽象、简化建立能近似刻 画并"解决"实际问题的一种强有力的数学手段。小学数学建模,主要 针对于小学的数学学习,用数学的“模型思想”来指导教学,让学生 从具体的事例或现实中的原型出发慢慢抽象化地建立起某种模型并 加以运用,加深其对数学的理解和感受,培养创新思维能力。本文就 其中两个问题作了简单的介绍。 关键词: 小学数学 数学建模 Abstract:Mathematical modeling is the process of using mathematical language to describe the actual phenomena. It is amathematical way of thinking, is the use of language and mathematical methods, through abstraction, simplification can establish an approximate characterization and "solve" apowerful mathematical means of practical problems. Elementary mathematical modeling, mainly for mathematical learning in primary schools, with "ideological model" to guide the teaching of mathematics, so that students from concrete examples or prototypes reality slowly starting to build some kind of abstract model and applied, deepen their mathematical understanding
