2020-2021学年山西省忻州市窑头中学高二英语月考试卷含解析一、 选择题1. They spent the afternoon _________ in the street, not know
学年山西省忻州市窑头中学高二英语月考试 2020-2021 卷含解析 一、选择题 1. They spent the afternoon _________ in the street, not knowing what to do. A. putting on B. blocking out C. holding out D. fooling around 参考答案: D If we ______ atable eariler, we couldn’t be standing here in aqueue. 2. A. have bookedB. booked C.would have booked D. had booked 参考答案: D 3. Many students listened to the lecture, but Iwondered how much they . Atook out Btook up Ctook off ... Dtook in . 参考答案: D 略 Alice kept perfectly still, ______ that the dog might attack her. “It was the 4. most ______ experience of my life,” she told me later. A. frightening; frightenedB. frightened; frightening C. frightened; frightenedD. frightening; frightening 参考答案: B 略 The Sound of Music is the first English filmI have ever seen. 5.