作文PelicanWasHungry饥饿的鹈鹕 Pelican was hungry. He opened his bill wide and then closed it fast. Th
作文PelicanWasHungry饥饿的鹈鹕 Pelican was hungry. He opened his bill wide and then closed it fast. That is how apelican says, “I am hungry.” 一只鹈鹕饿了,它把嘴张得很大,然后又快速合上,像是在说:“我 饿了。” Pelican looked down at the water. He saw something shaped like afin in the water. Quick! He dove down fast to eat it up. 鹈鹕低头朝水面上看,发现水里有个东 西像鱼翅。快!它猛一下把脖子潜入水中,准备吞掉它。 It was adolphin’s fin. Adolphin is much too big for apelican to eat. So Pelican flew back to his branch. 那是只海豚 的鳍。海豚对鹈鹕来说,想吞掉它那是太大了,于是鹈鹕飞回树枝。 Pelican sat on his branch. He opened his bill wide. Then he closed it fast. He was still hungry. 鹈鹕落在树枝 上,张开嘴巴然后快速合上,它仍然饿。 Suddenly, he saw alittle head pop out of the waves. Quick! Pelican dove down fast to eat it up. 忽然,它看见了一个小脑袋从波浪里弹 出。快!鹈鹕猛一下把脖子潜入水中,准备吞掉它。 It was a turtle. The turtle was much too big for apelican to eat. The turtle dove in the water and swam away. Pelican still did not have any food. 那是只海龟。海龟对鹈鹕来说仍然太大了。 海龟潜到水里游走了,鹈鹕仍然一无所获。 He flew up and away on the wind. He looked down. Every little wave sparkled. Soon he saw something floating on top of awave. Quick!