实用英语之面试英语 英语面试Family

实用英语之面试英语 英语面试Family ( I=interviewer、用C=candidate ) 2、About Your Family Status I: ·How many people a

实用英语之面试英语 英语面试Family (I=interviewer、用C=candidate ) 2、About Your Family Status I: ·How many people are there in your family? ·How big is your family? C: ·There are three of us:father,mother,an elder sister and me. ·We are only three in all —my parents and I. I:你家有几口人? C:我们总共只有三口人:父母亲和我, 实用英语之面试英语:英 语面试-Family 。 I:Who supports your family? C: Both my father and mother do. I:谁维持你家的 生活? C:由爸爸和妈妈维持家庭生活。 I:Do you have to support your family? C:No. My father does. I:你得维持家庭生活吗? C:不。是由我爸爸维持家庭生活的。 I:What does your father do? C:My father works at afactory. He is an electrical engineer. I:你爸爸是干什么工作? C:我爸爸在一家工厂工作。他是个电机工程师。 I:What is your mother's oupation?
