2022年辽宁省盘锦市辽河油田欢喜岭第二高级中学高一英语月考试卷含解析一、 选择题1. —Could I use your phone? —Yes, of course you ______.A.ca
参考答案: 年辽宁省盘锦市辽河油田欢喜岭第二高级中学高一英语 2022 B 月考试卷含解析 Because of his wrong ________ towards studyhe didn’t do well in the examinations. 5. , 一、选择题 Aactivity Bbehaviour .. —Could Iuse your phone? —Yes, of course you ______. 1. Cmethod Dattitude .. 参考答案: A.canB.willC.mustD.should D 参考答案: activity“”behaviour“ 句意为:由于他对学习的错误态度,他的考试成绩并不理想。指活动;指行 A ”method“”attitudetowards 为;指方法。四个选项中只有后接。 ————Could I… 考查情态动词。句意: 我可以用你的电话吗?可以,当然你能。对?问句回答可用 ----Where does your little daugher want to go during her holidays ? 6. cancould“”couldcan 。表示委婉客气的请求,在表示许可时,比更没有把握。因此根据答语中的 ----She always looks forward to _______ to the Wutai Moutain. “Yes”cancouldA 可知,第二个人的回答是肯定的,故用代替。故填。 A.take B.being taken C. taking D.be taken After school, David ran back home all the way just to watch the football 2. 参考答案: match. B A. in return B. in time C. in need 7. At the meeting, Professor Lin ______ some good advice and all the people present agreed with D. in turn him. 参考答案: A. came up B. came about C. came up with B D. came out 3. There are two buildings, ________ stands nearly ahundred feet high. 参考答案: A. the larger one B. the larger of them C C. the larger one that D. the larger of which It is not immediately clear ________ the financial crisis will soon be over. 8. 参考答案: Asince Bwhat .. D Cwhen Dwhether .. 4. That doesn’t sound very frightening, Paul. I’ve seen ____. What did you like most about the film? 参考答案: D A. better B. worse C. best Dworst