
课文语法填空和概括大意测试(九)---必修2 Unit 4班级 姓名 座号 评分 -一、语法填空。

课文语法填空和概括大意测试(九) ---2 Unit 4 必修 班级姓名座号评分 - 1.515 一、语法填空。(每空分,共分) Daisy desired to help 1(endanger) species of wildlife because alarge number of animals are dying 2. One day, a flying carpet took her to a3 () land, 4she could find 遥远的 antelopes 5gave fur to make sweaters. Then she met an elephant in Zimbabwe and was told that elephants used to be hunted without 6. But now people know the 7() of 重要 wildlife 8(protect). 12 34 5 67 89 10 二、 (5 概括课文大意共分) Daisy 文章讲述了的经历。她到西藏,津巴布韦和热带雨林游览,在 那她发现了一些动物濒临绝灭,由此她意识到保护动物的重要性。
