2023年中考英语最新热点阅读16 时政热点
2023年中考英语最新热点时文阅读.时政热点题型主要内容1回答问题在河南水灾中捐了一大笔钱的国内企业鸿星尔克受到网友的称赞并 踊跃购买其产品2阅读理解介绍饭圈文化所带来的问题以及CAC采取的措施3阅读
2023 年中考英语最新热点时文阅读.时政热点 题型 主要内容 回答问题 1 在河南水灾中捐了一大笔钱的国内企业鸿星尔克受到网友的称赞并 踊 跃购买其产品 2 阅读理解 介绍饭圈文化所带来的问题以及采取的措施 CAC 阅读理解 抨击了为选秀青春有你节目而出现的浪费食物的现象 3 4 阅读理解 中国新疆被造谣强迫劳动生产棉花事件 5 阅读理解 日本排放福岛核电站的废水 01 (湖南省长沙市稻田中学学年九年级上学期第一次月考英语试题)阅读下面短文,根据 短文内容 2021-2022 回答问题。 China's Henan Province has made headlines since it was hit with torrential rains, which left people dead, missing and severely affected. With donations, Chinese enterprises are setting apositive example. Chinese sportswear company Erkc made adonation of 50 million yuan ($ 7.7 million) to provide supplies for flood relief and aid. After the company made the announcement on its social media platform, Sina Wcibo, it received widespread support. One of the comments left by anetizen ranked at the top under the topic. "It feels like you're going out of business and you donated so much," the netizen wrote. What made the company's donation impressive and led to go viral is the fact that the donation is abig sum for the company, the company's live streaming channel on Taobao, Alibaba's e-commerce platform, which was abig increase from its usual number of viewers. With donations, supplies and condolences rolling in, many Chinese enterprises are setting apositive example. 1. What happened China's Ilenan Province according to the passage? 2. How much did Chinese sportswear company Erke donate? 3. Why did the company Erke receive widespread support? 4. Are Chinese enterprises setting apositive example?