
元音音标谐音记忆法  还在为元音发音烦恼?给大家带福利来了。   [i:]谐音为:易(yi);像数字1,记忆真容易。【衣发长点】   e:me be she he we evening   ee:sw

元音音标谐音记忆法 还在为元音发音烦恼?给大家带福利来了。 [i:]谐音为:易(yi);像数字1,记忆真容易。【衣发长点】 e:me be she he we evening ee:sweet bee sweep sheep see sleep three green ea:meat leaf sea pea tea cheat clean [i]谐音为:【衣急促地发声】 i:pig fish in fifteen six ship thin e:begin behind jacket basketball y:happy heavy busy lorry carry sunny lovely study thirsty twenty thirty windy rainy ey:monkey money
