footballsoccerassociation footballsockerfootyWorld CupSoccer TournamentFIFA World CupWorld Cup FinalsWomen’s World Cup· Jules Rimet Cup5five-a-sidefutsal7seven-a-sidesoccer violenceriothooliganism football/soccer playerfootballerbooter football/soccer teamelevenfield playerback linefullback/backrear defender/left/right backlink linehalf/halfbackwing/outside half/left/right halfcenter halftwin center halvesfree man/backspare manliberosweeper stopperdeep-lying halfbackpolicemanforward lineforwardspearheadlinemantwin forwardsspearhead forwardwingerwingwing forwardoutsideoutside forward/left wing/winger/flankoutside left/right wing/winger/flankoutside rightinside (forward)inner/inside left/rightwithdrawn strikercenter forwarddouble center forwardsdouble spearheadswithdrawn/deep-lying center forwardstrikermidfieldermidfield playerlinkmanattacking midfielderdouble attacking midfieldersdefending midfielderdouble defending midfielderskey playerpoint manMan of Match/ left/right-footeddouble-footedball hawkball watcherrefereerefman in the middlelinesman()assistant refereethe Fourth Official/first half/second halfkick offofficial timestoppage/injury timeextra periodovertimesudden deathgolden goal()silver goalpenalty shootoutoutsideout of boundsthrow-ingoal kickcornercorner kickwin acornerfree kickaward afree kick/direct/indirect free kickplacekickstationary ballplacekickerpenal offencepersonal foultechnical foulintentional fouloffsideonsideflagchargingcharging from behindlegal/fair chargeblockerbody checkpushingpushingstrikinglittle trick/maneuverconcealed fouldangerous playfoot overhandballhandshandling hackingstampinghackertrippingtackle from behindlate tacklefake afall/an injurysimulationviolent conductdelay the gamehold up the gameexcessive possession of the ballwarningcautionbookyellow cardred cardevictejectbanishsend/order off the fieldshow the red cardsuspend for agameplay shorthandedman down/shortpower playman/numerical advantagepenalty kickspot kicktake the kickconvert apenalty kickmiss apenalty kickkickbootkickergain possession of the balllose possession of the ballmiskickkick outskyball-controlball-handlingball possession percentagetrapstopthigh trapcheststop volleykill aballvolleyhalf volleypuntdrop volleyflick the ball 球运动;;;; 世界杯足球锦标赛(); 世界杯决赛 世界女子足球锦标赛 朱尔斯雷米特杯 人足球; 人足球 足球暴力;; 足球运动员;; 足球队; 队员(守门员除外) 后卫线 后卫; 左右后卫 前卫线 前卫 边前卫 左右前卫 中前卫 双中前卫 自由中卫;; 清道夫(=自由中卫) 盯人中卫 拖后前卫; 锋线 前锋;; 双前锋 靠前的前锋 边锋;;;; 左边锋左翼; 右边锋左翼; 内锋; 左右内锋 拖后内锋 中锋 双中锋; 拖后中锋 攻击手 中场队员;;() 前腰 双前腰 后腰 双后腰核心队员; 最佳球员(一场比赛后选出) 惯用左右脚的 左右开弓的 积极拼抢的防守队员 观望队员(不积极主动的队员) 裁判员;; 巡边员已经弃用 助理裁判 第四官员 上半时场 下半时场 开球;比赛开始 实际比赛时间(由裁判掌握) 伤停补时 加时赛; 突然死亡 金球已经弃用 银球(加时赛中进球后该半场仍赛完) 点球决胜 出界; 掷界外球 球门球 角球; 获得罚角球权 任意球 判给任意球 直接间接任意球 定位球; 踢定位球的队员 严重犯规 侵人犯规 技术犯规 故意犯规 越位 非越位 助理裁判用旗表示越位 冲撞犯规 从后面冲撞 合理冲撞 进行阻挡的队员 身体阻挡 拉人犯规 推人犯规打人 小动作; 危险动作 抬腿过高 手球犯规;; 磴踏犯规;踢人; 经常踢人的队员 绊人犯规 背后铲球 铲球过迟(球已离开对方脚下) 假摔; 粗暴行动 延误比赛; 持球时间过长(守门员) 警告;; 黄牌 红牌 罚出场;;;; 停赛一场 以少打多 以少打多的局面 以多打少的局面; 罚点球; 踢罚球;主罚 罚中 罚球未中 踢球; 踢球者 得球 失球 漏球 踢出界 踢球太高 控球能力; 控球时间比 停球; 大腿停球 胸部挡球 停空中球 停住空中球 凌空踢出 凌空反弹踢出 抛球凌空踢出; 拨球