人教版三年级上册Unitl Lesson 1成都市西安路小学吕智辉Important point:Words: new, my, years oldSentences: My name is ....
Unitl Lesson 1 人教版三年级上册 成都市西安路小学吕智辉 Important point: Words: new, my, years old Sentences: My name is ....I'm _years old .I want be your friend. Difficult point: Iwant be your friend. Steps: 1 Greetings. My name is …,what's your name? (top students)My name is.... 2 Teacher asks top students the name one by one. 3 Students say the name one by one. 4 review numbers from the students are 9years old, teaches them say :Tm 9years old. Teacher explains the meaning. If the students are 9years old, teaches them say :l'm 8years old. Teacher explains the meaning. 5 Teacher says the age in Chinese, students translate the