
IF Hillary Clinton goes the distance, she may have Shakespeare to thank. 如果希拉里·克林顿(Hillary Clinton)能

IF Hillary Clinton goes the distance, she may have Shakespeare to thank. 如果希拉里·克林 顿(Hillary Clinton)能够跑完全程,她可能得感谢莎士 比亚。 Shakespeare and beer. 莎士比亚和啤酒。 Both forged one of her campaign’s chief architects, Joel Benenson. Both are among his compasses. 她竞选活动的主设计师之一乔尔·班纳森(Joel Benenson),就是由这两者造就的。两者都是指引他的好帮手。 And Imention that not for what it portends about her message. No, I’m fascinated by what the jagged arc of Benenson’s life and career says about higher education, the liberal arts, indulging your passions, allowing for digressions and not sweating the immediate relevance and payoff of each and every step you take. 我提到它们, 并非是说这预示了克林顿要传达的讯息。不是。令我着迷的是班纳森不循常 规的人生 和事业轨迹体现了怎样一种思路:高等教育和文科的意义何在?还有,你可以燃 烧激情,可以偏离大道,无须对走的每一步的重要性和回报感到紧张。 Benenson, 62, majored in theater at Queens College, part of the City University of New York. He thought he’d be an actor, but for most of his 20s co-owned abeer distributorship in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn. 班纳森如今62岁,当年在 纽约城市大学(City University of New York)的皇后学院(Queens College) 主修戏剧专业。他觉得自己会成为一名演员,但20多岁的大部分时候,他都和人一
