电影功夫熊猫1 2中英文字幕完美版
然后一口吞下, Kungfu Panda 《功夫熊猫》 And then he spoke. 开口道: -Narrator: Legend tells of alegendary “Enough talk. Let's fight! Shashabooey! warrior... Shashabooey!” legend: 传奇 legendary: 传奇的 “” 别废话,动手吧!沙哈波易!沙哈波易! warrior: 武士 -Narrator: He was so deadly in fact 传奇故事传颂着一名传奇武士, 他的一招一式如此彪悍 whose kung fu skills were the stuff of that his enemies would go blind from legend. over exposure to pure awesomeness. 他的功夫出神入化。 exposure: 暴露 pure: 完全的 He traveled the land in search of worthy awesomeness: 敬畏 foes. 他的敌人目不暇接,只有瞠目结舌的份儿 in search of: 寻找 foe: 敌人 -Demon: My eyes ! 他走遍天涯,独孤求败, 我的眼睛! -Demon: Isee you like to chew. -Rabbit1: He's too awesome! chew: 咀嚼,咬 awesome: 令人惊叹的 你挺喜欢吃啊, 他太彪悍了! Maybe you should chew on my fist! -Rabbit2: And attractive! 有种就吃了我的拳头! 太有魅力了! -Narrator: The warrior said nothing for his -Rabbit1: How Can We repay you? mouth was full. 我们何以回报? 武士一言不发,因为正忙着吃, -Warrior: There is no charge for Then he swallowed. awesomeness.