简单愚人英语笑话 笑一笑十年少,有时候正儿八经的说笑话却觉得不好笑,可是一个很冷的笑话却能让自己笑良久,你有这样的经历么?现在,一起来开心爆笑下吧! 让我教你 A young man hi
简单愚人英语笑话 笑一笑十年少,有时候正儿八经的说笑话却觉得不好笑,可是 一个很冷的笑话却能让自己笑良久,你有这样的经历么?现在,一起 来开心爆笑下吧! 让我教你 Ayoung man hired by asupermarket reported for his first day of work. 家超市雇用了一个年轻人,他第一天上班报到。 The manager greeted him with awarm handshake and a smile, gave him abroom,and said, "Your first job will be to sweep out the store." 经理热情地欢送了他,和他握手微笑,之后递给他一把扫帚 说,“你的第一份工作是清扫商店。” “But I'm acollege graduate," the young man replied indignantly. “但是,我是名大学毕业生,”年轻人愤怒地答复道。 "Oh, I'm sorry. Ididn't realize that," said the manager. "Here, give me the broom—I' 11 show you how." “噢,对不起。我没注意,”经理说。“来,把扫帚给我—我 教你如何做。” Avisitor to the zoo noticed one of the keepers sobbing quietly in acorner and on inquiry was told that the elephant had died. 一名参观动物园的游客注意到一名饲养员正躲在角落里默默地 哭泣。他问是怎么回事,别人告诉他大象死了。