河北省石家庄市东权城乡中学2022年高二英语下学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. They say your report doesn’t the fact. But I don’t
参考答案: 河北省石家庄市东权城乡中学年高二英语下学期期末试 2022 C 题含解析 thth The Spanish football team won the South Africa World Cup on July 13, ______ it the 8 4. 一、选择题 country to have won the World Cup. They say your report doesn’t the fact. But Idon’t them this 1. A. made B. makingC. to make D. to have made point. 参考答案: B Aagree with…agree with…onBagree to…agree with…at .. It was really noisy in the workshop. Not until ______ at the top of my voice ______ to 5. Cagree on…agree to…onDagree on…agree on…with .. look at me. 参考答案: A. did Ishout; he turnedB. had Ishouted; had he A turned C. did Ishout; did he turn D. had Ishouted; he turns 【详解】 参考答案: 考查动词和介词词义辨析。句意:他们说你的报告与事实不符。但是在这一点上我不同意他们的观 A at this point-- ,on this point,BD 点。是指时间上在这一刻 是指在这一点上根据句意,排除和 Taking exercise is the key ______ your health. 6. agree on“….”agree with“……” 项。意为就达成一致,后面接事,意为与意见一致;吻合,既可以 A. to improve B. to improving CA 接人也可以接物,根据句意排除项,选项。 C. in improving D. of improving 2. –Why, David, you look so tired! 参考答案: –Well, I______ areport for the whole day and Imust finish it tomorrow. B A. was writing B. will be writing the key to….“ 【详解】考查固定短语及动名词。句意:锻炼是改善健康的关键。名词短语意为的关 C. have written D. have been writing ”toimproving your healthto 键,其中是介词,后面要接名词或动名词做宾语。所以动名词做的 参考答案: B 宾语。故项正确。 D _________well-prepared you are, you still need alot of luck in mountain climbing. 7. 略 3. Ihad no idea when and where ________. . A. Whatever B. However A. it happened B. does it happen C. Whenever D. Wherever C. it had happened D. had it happened 参考答案: