
浅析《江山如此多娇》的艺术特色摘 要1959年,在建国十周年国庆即将来临之际,我国著名山水画家傅抱石、关山月二人接到任务,要为我国刚刚建成的人民大会堂画一幅超大幅的山水国画。这幅画两位画家耗时三个多月

浅析《江山如此多娇》的艺术特色 摘要 1959 年,在建国十周年国庆即将来临之际,我国著名山水画家傅抱石、关山月二人接到 任务,要为我国刚刚建成的人民大会堂画一幅超大幅的山水国画。这幅画两位画家耗时 三个多月,融入了岭南画派和金陵画派的众多绘画技法才最终得以完成,最后还由毛泽 “” 东主席亲自为该画题字江山如此多娇,整个作品的完成过程十分艰辛艰辛曲折,融 · 入了众多人的心血,这幅国画表现的是毛泽东《沁园春雪》的词意,词中祖国的大好 河山,一片生机盎然的景象被两位画家表现的淋漓尽致,所以这幅画也被称之为上世纪 五十年代毛泽东诗意画的杰出代表。作为新中国重大题材美术创作同时又是目前所知中 国美术史上最大的纸本山水画之一,《江山如此多娇》毋庸置疑取得了伟大的成就,其 丰富而重要的意义需要我们去探究、总结和思考。 关键词:国画《江山如此多娇》;金陵画派代表人物:傅抱石;岭南画派代表人物:关 山月 Abstract 译文 In 1959, in the tenth anniversary of the founding of the National Day is approaching, our country renowned landscape painter panting, guan shanyue received task, for our country has just been built in the great hall of the people to draw apicture of a super large landscape painting. This painting two painters spent more than three months, with numerous painting techniques and jinling painting lingnan school was finally completed, finally by chairman MAO zedong personally for the painting inscription "jiangshan so much jiao", the whole works hard to complete the process is difficult, entered into the work of many people, this is Chinese painting performance of MAO zedong "patio spring snow", the meaning of words in the great rivers, a vibrant scene is two painters performance incisively and vividly, so this picture is also known as an excellent representative of MAO zedong poetry painting in the 1950 s. As amajor theme of art creation of the People's Republic of China and the Chinese art history known, one of the largest paper landscape painting "jiangshan so much jiao" undoubtedly has made great achievements, its rich and important significance for us to explore, summarize, and thinking. Key wordsThe national painting "so much jiao"; Arepresentative of the jinling : school: fu huashi; Lingnan school representative: guan shan yue 目录 I 摘要 Abstract II 1 一、画家简介 1 (一)傅抱石 1 (二)关山月 2 二、创作背景及过程 2 (一)创作背景 2 (二)创作过程 3 三、《江山如此多娇》的艺术特色与学术价值
