
2022年湖南省株洲市醴陵黄獭嘴镇中学高二英语月考试卷含解析一、 选择题1. ---Some more wine?---Thank you. ______. I have to drive home.

won’t be long before 年湖南省株洲市醴陵黄獭嘴镇中学高二英语月考试卷含 2022 解析 参考答案: D 一、选择题 6. It was yesterday ____ Isaw her and it was almost 10 o’clock ____ she arrived. 1. ---Some more wine? A. when; when B. that; that C. ---Thank you. ______. Ihave to drive home. when; that D. that; when A. With pleasure B. I’d rather not C. That would be nice D. Just what Ineeded 参考答案: 参考答案: D B —Why didn’t you answer when Ispoke to you in the street this morning? 2. 7. —I________but you didn’t hear me. 参考答案: Adid answer Bdidn’ tanswer Ccould answer Dcouldn’t answer .... C 参考答案: 略 A 8. in the mountains for aweekthe two students were finally saved by the police. , _________ made all of them much disappointed. 3. A. Not her being back B. Her not coming back A. To lose B. Lost C. Being C. Her not to come back D. Not her returning. lost D. Losing 参考答案: 参考答案: B If you _______ yourself to the job in hand, you’ll soon finish it. 4. B 9. We have all become addicted to(…) sugar, particularly in soft drinks. Today, sugar 对上瘾 A. claim B. obtain C. apply D. reform consumption is ______ it used to be. 参考答案: A. many times that B. C many times what 5. Time flies. _______ we enter Senior 3, the last year of high school. C. that many times D. many times as much A. Before long B. It will be long before 参考答案: C. It will be long that D. It
