2024年一年级英语下册 Unit7 Animals lesson1教案 北师大版
2024年一年级英语下册 Unit7 Animals lesson1教案 北师大版Teaching aims:Vocabulary: rabbit bird numbers one thro
2024年一年级英语下册 Unit7 Animals lesson1教案 北师大版 Teaching aims: Vocabulary: rabbit bird numbers one through ten dog cat fish Structures (New): Receptive: What is it? Productive: It’s adog. Structures (Review): Receptive: How many…? Teaching preparation: Prepare the posters and flashcards for this lesson. Teaching steps: Step1:review the numbers one through ten. (1)Call out numbers from one trough ten randomly. (2)Have children listen and hold up the correct number of fingers. Step2:Preview (1)Review the words dog, cat and fish with the flashcards. (2)Hold up the flashcard for rabbit. Present the word rabbit. Model the word at least twice, and then have the children repeat after you in achoral drill. Point to the picture and elicit the word from individual children. (3)Repeat the step above to present the new vocabulary: bird. (4)Review the five words by repeating the step above. Step3:Presentation of new language (1)Have children open their books and look at the picture. Using Chinese,discuss the picture. Ask children where the characters are, what they are doing, how they feel, what Ann has bought, and so on. (2)Ask, “What colors can you see ?” Hold up your copy of the book and point to different animals, eliciting the colors. (3)Now point to the dogs and ask, “How many dogs are there?” Elicit, “Three.” Repeat the step above for bird, cat, rabbit, and fish. Step4:Talk about the story (1)Have the children look at the pictures as you play the tape. (2)Play the tape again and have the children repeat the words. Step 5:Touch and say (1)Have children open their books and direct their attention to the pictures