圣诞节小学生英语手抄报 圣诞节小学生英语手抄报 How many festivals are there in the world? I'm afraid no one can tell. Bu
圣诞节小学生英语手抄报 圣诞节小学生英语手抄报 How many festivals are there in the world? I'm afraid no one can tell. But which festival in the world has the greatest influence and the most popular? The answer is clear. This is Christmas. There are more than 140 countries and regions on the earth to celebrate Christmas. The festival is the most popular festival in the world and the largest number of people in the world, from December 24th to January 6th, second years. It can be said that Christmas is acelebration of the world beyond the borders of the holiday. Christmas is afestival commemorating the birth of Jesus, the founder of the Christian Church. According to the Bible, the unmarried woman, Maria, gave birth to Jesus on awinter night because of the "gestation of the Holy Spirit." Christians took the year Jesus was born as the beginning of the world, and it was "the first year of the year of the ad." now the international common law is called