销售合同SALES CONTRACT合同号/ S/C No卖方:日期/ DATE :SELLER:ADDFAXTEL:买方:BUYER:ADD :FAX :TEL:兹经双方同意,按下列条款达成 如下交
销售合同 SALES CONTRACT 合同号 /S/C No 日期 /DATE : 卖方: SELLER: ADD FAX TEL: 买方: BUYER: ADD : FAX : TEL: 兹经双方同意, 按下列条款达成如下交易: The Seller and the Buyer have agreed to close the follow ing tran sact ions accord ing to the follow ing con diti ons Stipulated below: 、商品: 1/ Commodity: 单价 金额 商品名称、规格 数量 单位 Un it Price Amount Commodity, Specificati on. Quan tity Un it 总计 /TOTAL: 允许卖方在装货时溢装或短装价格按照本合同所列的单价计算。 (, %) (The Seller are allowed to load the quantity with% more or less, the price shall be calculated according to the unit price stipulated in this contract.) 、包装: 2 : Packing 、唛头: 3 Shippi ng mark 由卖方决定,除非在装运前得到买方的及时通知。 To be desig nated by the sellers, uni ess otherwise advised by the Buyer in time before shipme nt. 、装运: 4 Shipme nt: 从 ___________________ 口岸到 ____________________ 。分批 __________________ 转船 ________________ ,. From ________________ to ________________ .Partial shipme nt _________ ,Tran sshipme nt _________ . 、检验: 5 In spect ion: 、保险: 6 In sura nee: 按发票金额的投保。 110% To be covered for 110% of in voice value. 、付款: 7 Payme nt: 开立不可撤消的 ________ 天信用证。提交装运单据到中国任一银行议付。信用证必须于 __________ 100% 到达卖方,并保证于装运后天内在中国有效。 15 By 100% irrevocable L/C payable at _____ sight and negotiable aga inst prese ntati on of shipp ing docume