
四川省广安市外国语实验学校2021-2022学年高二英语下学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. He thanked us for         them in carrying through th

__________ in the mountains for aweek, the two students were finally saved by the 5. 四川省广安市外国语实验学校学年高二英语下学期 2021-2022 local police. 期末试卷含解析 A. Having lost B. Lost C. Being lost D. Losing 一、选择题 参考答案: 1. He thanked us for them in carrying through the plan; otherwise, they by B The girl dreamt of becoming abird and _______ freely in the sky. 6. the company. A. flying B. flew C. to fly D. fly Aproviding; could be fired Bencouraging; .. 参考答案: could have been fired A Cassisting; would have been fired Dpersuading; would be .. 7. It ___________last night, for the ground is wet outside. fired A.would be raining B. would have rained C. must rain D. must have rained 参考答案: 参考答案: C D Imade apromise to myself _______ this year, my first year in high school, would be 2. different. 8. --Do you think the thief entered through the garage door? Awhether Bwhat Cthat Dhow .. .. 参考答案: --No, if he had, Idon’t believe _____broken the living room window. C A. would he have B. he had C. he would have D. he has 3. Today cellphone have become ______ part of our busy life. Besides communication, we also use them for ______pleasure. 参考答案: A. the ;/ B. /; /C. a; aD. /; a C During the forum, Dong Qing, afamous hostess, shared her experience of creating The 9. 参考答案: Reader, one of ________ purposes is to create more original entertainment. B A. which B. whose C. its D. whom 4. -----Can Iask you afew straightforward questions about yourself? . 参考答案: ------No problem. Ilike______ when people are open and direct. B A. that B. this C.it D.them 【详解】考查定语从句关系代词。句意:在这个论坛中,著名主持人董卿,分享了她制作《朗读者》 参考答案: one of ________ 节目的经历,制作该节目的初衷之一就是创立更多原创性的娱乐节目。分析句子可知 C purposes is to create more original entertainmentThe Reader 是定语从句修饰先行词,在从句 略
