
江苏省无锡市北郊中学高二英语上学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1.  ----I’m sorry he was so rude to you.  ---- __________.  A. I expec

6. Doctors do research to find out what happens physically when people ________ smoking. 江苏省无锡市北郊中学高二英语上学期期末试卷含解析 A. quit B. decline C. prevent 一、选择题 D. reserve 1. ----Im sorry he was so rude to you. ’ 参考答案: ---- __________. A A. Iexpect he was B. Yes, he was C. No, it doesnt matter D. It doesnt bother me. ’’ Iarrived home at midnight, _______ my parents had been waiting for nearly three hours. 7. 参考答案: A. at that time B. by that time C. at which time D. by which time D 参考答案: _____ that quite alot of people were out of work. () 2. ASo became serious the global economic crisis . B BSo serious became the global economic crisis . 略 CSo serious did the global economic crisis become . DSerious the global economic crisis became so . 8. Helen has______ 16-year-old son named Jerry who has ____ gift for singing and hosting in 参考答案: parties. C 11.【答案】 A. a; the B. a; a C. the; a Ayear is divided into four seasons, as we all know, the first is spring. 3. D. the; the A. whichB. of themC. when 参考答案: D. of which B 参考答案: 9. Both sides have accused of breaking the contract of ______. D Aanother Bthe other Cneither Deach There was such along queue for coffee at the interval that we _____ gave up. 4. A. eventually B. unfortunately C. generously D. purposefully 参考答案: 参考答案: A B People keep complaining about the service at hospitalsand________more and 5. , more nurses are losing their jobs. 略 Ameanwhile Bhowever Cinstead Dafterwards .... 参考答案: The audience _______ before TV sets are listening to Yi Zhongtian’s stories 10. with their eyes A
