税收英语对话 董事长所得

税收英语对话 董事长所得   How does the general director pay personal ine tax   纳税人:我是ABC公司的董事长,想咨询一下我的所得如何纳税。  

税收英语对话 董事长所得 How does the general director pay personal ine tax 纳税人:我是ABC公司的董事长,想咨询一下我的所得如何纳 税。 Taxpayer :yes ,I am ageneral director of sforeign investment pany .I want to know how to pay tax on my ine ? 税务局:能介绍您的情况吗?我有责任为您保密。 Tax official :can you explain you conditions in detail ?I have an obligation to keep secret for the taxpayer . 纳税人:我的收入是按董事费和分红的形式提取的。 Taxpayer :I obtain my ine in the form of director fees and dividends . 税务局:您在公司担任什么管理职务吗? Tax official :do you act as any management position ? 纳税人:没有。不过总经理经常在国外,公司的业务是我负 责。 Taxpayer :no ,but the general manager has been in America for long time ,I am actually responsible for the operation within china . 税务局:您实际上具有总经理的身份。 Tax official :aording to what you said ,you in fact play the role of general manager .
