数学期望在经济决策中的应用摘 要 我们都知道,随着社会的发展,经济全球化的进一步深入,“经济”已经成为社会关注的热点问题,而股票,期权,投资,最佳进货量等经济学问题又与人们紧密联系,为了使人
数学期望在经济决策中的应用 摘要 我们都知道,随着社会的发展,经济全球化的进一步深入,“经济”已经成为社会 关注的热点问题,而股票,期权,投资,最佳进货量等经济学问题又与人们紧密联系, 为了使人们获得最大收益,就需要我们利用专业的数学知识进行分析,决策。而数学期 望在这里发挥了重要的作用。这篇论文主要介绍了数学期望的来源,定义,以及应用。 期望值在经济方面的大量应用,例如职位决策,风险投资,最优库存和期权定价。这让 我们更好的认识到期望的广泛应用性和重要性。 数学期望 应用 经济 关键字: Abstract As we all know, with the development of society and the further economical globalization "Economy" has become the hot issues of social concern .The economics , of stocks, options, investment, best purchase amount and so on closely contact with people. In order to enable people to gain maximum benefit we need to take advantage of the professional knowledge of mathematics to analyze, decision-making. The mathematical expectation played an important role.This thesis mainly introduces the origin, the definition, and the applications of mathematical expectation, Anumber of applications of the expected valued in economics such as post decision, risk investment, optimal inventory and option pricing .are given rise to abetter understanding of its extensive applications and significance. Mathematical expectation Applications Economics key words ;;. :