
广西壮族自治区贵港市港南区木格镇高级中学2021-2022学年高二英语联考试题含解析一、 选择题1. He        the conclusion with the        evidence

Acontribution Boutcome .. 广西壮族自治区贵港市港南区木格镇高级中学学年 2021-2022 高二英语联考试题含解析 Cconsequence Dpunishment .. 参考答案: 一、选择题 C He the conclusion with the evidence and presented it at the 1. ——What impresses you most about your hometown? 6. conference. ——The street, the length of which is four times _______ it was eight years ago. A. draws; supporting B. drew; supporting A. that B. as C. than D. what C. came to; supported D. reached; supported 参考答案: 参考答案: D B The government of Philippines has______ the release of atotal of 8million dollars to help 7. Many of the people _____ to the wedding party were our colleagues in the company. 2. the farmers whose crops were damaged by typhoons. A. invited B. to invite C. being invited D. having invited 参考答案: A. agreed B. approved C. applied D. assessed 参考答案: A 12. Only when the war was over ________ return to their hometowns. B Ahave the soldiers Bthe soldiers Cthe soldiers did —I’m thinking of the test tomorrow. I’m afraid Ican’t pass this time. 8. Ddid the soldiers —________I’m sure you’ll make it. ! 参考答案: AGo ahead BGood luck .. D CNo problem DCheer up .. 略 参考答案: 4. Before the final examination, many students have shown ______of tension. Some have trouble in sleeping while others have lost their appetite. D A. anxiety B. marks C. 9. Jane had to speed up to ___ for the hour she had lost in the traffic jam. signs D. remarks AKeep up B. take up C. make up D. . 参考答案: catch up C 参考答案: 略 C The project is to educate teens on the rules of safe driving and the severe ____ that can 5. 10. That’s an interesting article ----I’ll ____it____ of the newspaper. result if those rules are not followed . A. cut out B. cut down C. cut off D. cut in 1/ 5
