

后张拉预应力成形鞍形网壳竖向极限承载力试验研究 摘要 本研究对后张拉预应力成形鞍形网壳竖向极限承载力进行了试验研 究。采用了双钢丝束支撑和压顶法,获取了鞍形网壳在竖向荷载下的破 - 坏模态及极限荷载。研究表明,鞍形网壳的极限承载力与荷载位移曲线 呈线性关系,但其破坏模式主要是由钢丝束的拉断和网壳板材的弯曲失 稳所决定。同时,研究还发现了鞍形网壳在荷载增加时的形变特征和局 部应力分布情况。本研究对于深入理解鞍形网壳的承载性能具有重要意 义。 关键字:后张拉预应力成形;鞍形网壳;竖向极限承载力;试验研 究 Abstract This study investigated the vertical ultimate bearing capacity of saddle-shaped grid shells under post-tensioning pre-stress forming. The failure modes and ultimate loads of saddle-shaped grid shells under vertical loading were obtained by using double steel strand support and top compression method. The results showed that the ultimate bearing capacity of saddle-shaped grid shells was linearly related to the load-displacement curve, but its failure mode was mainly determined by the fracture of steel strands and the buckling instability of the shell plate. At the same time, the deformation characteristics and local stress distribution of saddle-shaped grid shells under increasing loads were also found. This study is of great significance for adeeper understanding of the bearing capacity of saddle-shaped grid shells. Keywords: post-tensioning pre-stress forming; saddle-shaped grid shell; vertical ultimate bearing capacity; experimental study 正文 引言 鞍形网壳是一种轻质、高刚度、高强度的空间结构体系,具有广泛 的应用前景。传统的鞍形网壳常采用钢材或预制混凝土作为主要材料,
