
航空灾害成因及对策摘要自从1783年人类首次利用热气球飞上天空,到1903年莱特兄弟发明第一架飞机并成 功飞起,再到现如今有着直升机、战斗机、客机、无人机…各式各样的飞行器在航空领域 各司其职推动着航

航空灾害成因及对策 摘要 自从年人类首次利用热气球飞上天空,到年莱特兄弟发明第一架飞机并成 功飞 17831903 起,再到现如今有着直升机、战斗机、客机、无人机…各式各样的飞行器在航空领域 各司其职推 动着航空业的蒸蒸日上。然而,全球航空安全形式依然不容乐观,就在最近, 接连发生两起波音 客机因系统故障导致的严重航空灾难,这证明民航依旧存在着 安全漏洞和隐患。 737-max 本论文针对航空灾害这一问题进行合理分析与研究,了解航空灾害究竟是什么,它有 着什么 样的特点;造成航空灾害的因素是什么,哪些因素更容易促使灾害的发生;在前面 问题的分析研 究基础上,再提出合理的意见和措施。进一步结合最近的波音事故 事件,针对波音公 737-max 司中人为因素进行详细的分析并提出改善建议。文章将会利用自身所学 相关知识,再通过查阅文 献资料,在前人的基础上,进一步分析和针对新的环境形式提出 补充。从思考课题意义,到动手 收集和查阅文献资料,以及对具体事例的研究分析中,充 分发挥了个人的主观能动性,从而提高 了观察相关事务本质,独立分析问题,最后解决问 题的能力。 关键词:航空安全航空灾害灾害特点灾害成因灾害对策 Causes and countermeasures of aviation disasters ABSTRACT From the first time that humans used ahot air balloon to the sky in 1783, until the Wright brothers invented the first aircraft and successfully took off in 1903, and now there are helicopters, fighters, passenger planes, drones ... all kinds of aircraft are in aviation The various roles in the field are driving the boom of the aviation industry. However, the form of global aviation safety is still not optimistic. Just recently, two serious aviation disasters caused by system failures of two Boeing 737-max passenger planes have proved that civil aviation still has many security loopholes and hidden dangers. This paper analyzes and researches the aviation disaster reasonably, and understands exactly what the aviation disaster is and what characteristics it has; what are the factors that cause aviation disasters and which factors are more likely to cause disasters; analysis of the previous problems Based on the research, reasonable opinions and measures are put forward. Further combined with the recent Boeing 737-max accident, adetailed analysis of the human factors in the Boeing Company and suggestions for improvement are made. The article will make use of the relevant knowledge learned by itself, and then consult the literature to further analyze and propose new environmental forms on the basis of predecessors. From thinking about the meaning
