英语四级阅读冲刺练习题 英语四级阅读冲刺练习题原文 The dancers stand motionless at their position and the room grows silen
英语四级阅读冲刺练习题 英语四级阅读冲刺练习题原文 The dancers stand motionless at their position and the room grows silent. But as the musicstarts, they began to move, bending, turning and waving their fans gracefully as theyperform. atraditional Japanese dance. Yoshihiro Kuroki watches in silence, occasionallymaking notes. But as the dance ends, he beams with happiness. The performance has beenflawless. There have been many performances of traditional Japanese dances over the centuries, butthis one is unique,because it is performed not by human dancers but by robots. And theperformance takes place not in adance studio but in a laboratory of Sony Corp.sEntertainment Robot Co. in Shinagawa, Japan, where Kuroki isgeneral manager. He is themastermind behind aseries of even more capable humanoid entertainment robots,startingwith the Sony Dream Robot, or SDR, in 1997, up to the current QRIO in 2003.