
2020年山东省枣庄市侯孟中学高一英语上学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. The windows are believed ______ by Jack.A. broken      B. to b

C. had they studied;did they realize D. had they studied;realized they 年山东省枣庄市侯孟中学高一英语上学期期末试题含解 2020 参考答案: 析 A 一、选择题 略 Take your time—it’s just ________ short distance from here to ________ restaurant. 6. 1. The windows are believed ______ by Jack. A/the Bathe Cthea D/a .;.;.;.; 参考答案: A. broken B. to be broken C. to break D. to have been broken B 参考答案: 7. Usually, It’s __crowded that Ican’t find anywhere to sit . D A. very B. such C. too D.so …Come to supper with us, Peter. 2. …Great! I_______ bring abottle of wine. 参考答案: A. will B. canC. may D. must D 参考答案: A 8. The old couple live in ahouse ____ windows face to the south, so they can have plenty of 3. As you know, it is my duty to ________ my younger sisters from being hurt when they are in sunshine every day. A. whose B. of which C. that D. which danger. 参考答案: A. prevent B. save C. stop D. protect A 9. They ______ the idea that children could learn to read as babies. 参考答案: A. thought B. introduced C. invented D. discovered D —Has the boss agreed to improve our working conditions? 4. 参考答案: —No.The only thing he ________ is money. B 10. Idon’t know _________. Acares about Blooks up .. A. where does he live B. where did he live C. where he lives D. he lives where Ctakes care of Dcomes up with .. 参考答案: 参考答案: A C [“(care about)”look up“ 句意:老板未答应改善我们的工作条件,他关心的只有金钱。查找;检 11. There are two buildings ,stands nearly ahundred feet high . ”take care of“”come up with“”] 查;照看;照顾;提出。 A. the larger B.the larger of them C. the larger of that D.the larger of which Only when________the data again________that there was amistake. 5. A. they had studied;did they realize B. they had studied;realized they
