介绍鸽子的英语作文 导语:白鸽,有一身洁白无瑕油亮的羽毛。它们在空中飞翔,就像一个个白衣天使在翩翩起舞。 下面是yuwenmi为大家的优秀英语,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢! I have a pet
介绍鸽子的英语作文 导语:白鸽,有一身洁白无瑕油亮的羽毛。它们在空中飞翔,就 像一个个白衣天使在翩翩起舞。 下面是yuwenmi为大家的优秀英 语,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢! Ihave apet. It is apigeon. It has got white and gray feathers ared mouth and two small eyes. It’s cute. Ifound it near apark. Its leg was injured and couldn’t fly. Itook it home and cured it. Every morning I give it some water and small pieces of bread. It gets stronger and stronger. Now the pigeon has bee my best friend. When Ie home from school it always flies to me and rests on my shoulders it likes to talk to me. It makes my spare time colorful. 我有一只宠物。它是一只鸽子。它有白色和灰色羽毛,一个红 色的嘴和两个小眼睛,很可爱。 我在公园附近发现它的。它的腿受伤了不能飞。我把它带回家 治愈它。每天早上,我给它一些水和小块面包。它变得越来越强 壮。 现在鸽子成了我最好的朋友。当我从学校回家的时候,它总是 飞到我的肩上,它喜欢和我说话。它使我的业余时间丰富多彩。