2022年湖南省邵阳市罗洪中学高一英语上学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. The first thing ________ I did was to see if there were any pr
年湖南省邵阳市罗洪中学高一英语上学期期末试 2022 卷含解析 一、选择题 The first thing ________ Idid was to see if there were any products ________ might 1. help me, but there only seemed to be powders ________ to kill snakes. () Athat; /; designedBwhich; that; designed .. C/; that; designedD/; which; design .. 参考答案: C 3.【答案】 He told us about the ____ news in a____ voice. 2. A. amazing; surprising B. amazed; surprised C. amazing; surprised D. amazed; surprising 参考答案: C On seeing her new classmateshe ________ and said with asmile“Glad to 3. ,, meet you.” Acame up Bmade upCtook up ... Dput up . 参考答案: A [“”come up 句意:一看到新同学,她走过来并且笑着说:很高兴见到你。走过来;突然 make uptake upput upA] 出现;被提出。编造;占据;张贴。结合句意,应选。 4. Having checked the lights were off and ____the windows were closed, the boy went out. A. then B. also C. whether D. that