《德汉互译(口译)》课程教学大纲(2020版)课程基本信息(Course Information)课程代码(Course Code)FL3512*学时(CreditHours)32*学分 (Credi
2020 ( 《德汉互译(口译)》课程教学大纲版) Course Information) 课程基本信息 ( 学时 * 课程代码 学分 * 32 2 FL3512 (Credit (Credits) (Course Code) Hours) 德汉互译(口译) *课程名称 (Course Name) German-Chinese Interpretation (Course 课程性质 选修课 Type) (Audience) 授课对象 授课语言 德语专业本科生(第六学期) (Language of 德语和中文 Instruction) (School) 课院系 *开 外院德语系 (Prerequisite) 先修课程 高级德语(2)、德语口语(3) (Course Webpage) 课程网址 授课教师 薛原 (Instructor) 本课程是德语专业高年级的主要语言技能课程之一,通过模拟会谈、 谈判、会议 等情景,着重培养学生较高层次的口译能力。通过学习、 模拟和实际训练,使学 *课程简介 生进一步掌握德语口译的特点、方法和技巧。 学习在正确的场合使用恰当的表达 (Description) 方式和语言风格。在进行口译训练 的同时,使学生进一步学习和了解德语国家的 国情、历史、文化等, 为较高层次的口译奠定坚实的基础。 As one of the language-oriented courses for German majors in the junior/senior year, the course is designed to develop students' advanced interpretation skills through mock talks, *课程简介 negotiations and meetings. Students will get adeeper Description) ( understanding of the characteristics and skills of German-Chinese interpretation and learn to use the right words and proper language styles. Meanwhile they will learn (course syllabus) 课程教学大纲 more about Germany, its history and its culture from interpretation practices in class, thus laying asolid foundation for advanced interpretation.