
2021-2022学年四川省广元市旺苍双河中学高三英语上学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. Seeing Michael so sad, I wish I _______ him the truth.

学年四川省广元市旺苍双河中学高三英语上 2021-2022 学期期末试题含解析 一、选择题 Seeing Michael so sad, Iwish I_______ him the truth. 1. A. hadn’t told B. wouldn’t tell C. are not telling D. will not tell 参考答案: A 2. The new president has to make aplan of creating new jobs to people confidence in the economy . Aincreasing Bincreased .. Cincrease Dto increase .. 参考答案: D The house_________was destroyed has now been repaired. 3. A. the roof of it B. whose roof C. its roof D. the roof of that 参考答案: B For amoment the old man stood at the crossing, ______ which direction he 4. should go in. A. not knowing B. knowing not C. not known D. known not. 参考答案: A 50. No matter how frequently ___, Ialways remember never to stop improving myself. A. praising B. praised C. to be praised D. being praised
