CHIP-SEQ qpcr (-07-23 13:48:55) HYPERLINK ":;" INCLUDEPICTURE "
CHIP-SEQ qpcr (-07-23 13:48:55) ▼ 转载 标签: 股票 CHIP,用Q-PCR方法进行定量分析 i. Normalizeeach ChIP DNA fractions’ Ct value to the Input DNA fraction Ct value for the same qPCR Assay (ΔCt) to account forchromatin sample preparation differences. ΔCt [normalized ChIP] =(Ct [ChIP] -(Ct [Input] -Log2 (Input Dilution Factor))) Where, Input Dilution Factor =(fraction of theinput chromatin saved)-1 Average normalized ChIP Ct values for replicate samples. ii. Calculate the %Input for each ChIP fraction(linear conversion of the normalized ChIP ΔCt). %Input =2 (-ΔCt [normalized ChIP]) iii. Adjust the normalized ChIP fraction Ct valuefor the normalized background (NIS/mock IP) fraction Ct value (first ΔΔCt). ΔΔCt [ChIP/NIS] =ΔCt [normalized ChIP] -ΔCt[normalized NIS/mock] iv. Calculate Assay Site IP Fold Enrichment abovethe sample specific