《电机控制综合实践》教学大纲一、课程基本信息课程名称电机控制综合实践Comprehensive Practice of Motor Control课程编码CNE320411020 开课院部新能源学院课
《电机控制综合实践》教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 电机控制综合实践 课程名称 Comprehensive Practice of Motor Control 开课院部 CNE320411020 新能源学院 课程团队 (未设置) 课程编码 实验上机 00 实践 0 周课外学时 2B 课内学时 周讲授 2.02 学分 授课语言 中文 适用专业 本研一体化班(电气信息类) 先修课程 现代电力电子技术、现代电机控制系统、电路分析、模拟电子技术、电机学基础(电气方向) 电机控制综合实践是电气工程及其自动化专业的一个必修环节,涉及模拟电子技术、数字电子技术、电机学、电力电子技术和电力拖 动自 动控制系统等内容。通过交、直流电机控制系统的设计与调试,培养学生检索分析文献能力,能够合理选择交、直流电机控制系统的 实现方案; 提高学生的设计能力,能够在既定实现方案的基础上,设计合理的交、直流电机实验系统,并能够正确应用科学仪器详实、可 靠地记录实验波形 和数据;改善学生的分析和解决问题的能力,能够根据已有实验波形和数据,合理解释问题本质;培养学生工程思维, 能够应用工程管理和经济 决策方法,规划实施方案。 The comprehensive practice of motor control is acompulsory part of electrical engineering and antuomation, which involves 课程简介 analog electronic technology, digital electronic technology, electrical machinery, power electronics and control system of (必修) , electric driver. By designing and debugging the AC&DC motor control system, student sability of literature retrieval and , analysis be developed and student can select the implementation scheme of AC&DC motor control system reasonably, and student s design ability be improved, student can design AC&DC motor experiment platform based on the established implementation plan and can record experimental waveforms and data in adetailed and reliable manner correctly using scientific instruments, and students, ability of analyzing and solving problems also be improved, and student can reasonably explain the nature of problems based on existing experimental waveforms and data, and student *s engineering thinking also be develped and student can plan full-cycle, full-process implementation scheme using engineering management and economic decision-making methods. 审核人 负责人 大纲执笔人 二、课程目标 OBE 课程目标毕业要求指标点 序号代号