
体育明星与广告市场现状及其对策研究    【摘要】 体育 明星与广告市场共同 发展 已步入稳态整合阶段, 企业 利用体育明星与品牌广告的紧密结合来开展市场营销,在整个运作过程中,各个相关主体在理顺各方

体育明星与广告市场现状及其对策研究 【摘要】 体育 明星与广告市场共同 发展 已步入稳态整合 阶段, 企业 利用体育明星与品牌广告的紧密结合来开展市场营销, 在整个运作过程中,各个相关主体在理顺各方职责和利益上展开了博 弈。结论是体育明星、企业、中介组织在广告市场的运作机制要健全, 体育明星广告、收入分配、肖像权等法规有待出台和完善。 【关键词】体育明星;广告市场;品牌;经纪公司;广告公司 【Abstract】 The common development of sports stars and the advertising market has entered aperiod of steady-state consolidation. enterprises carry out thEir marketing by using the close integrating of sports stars and brand advertising. In the whole process, all relevant parties start abig chess game in order to straighten out the main responsibilities and interests of thEIr own. The conclusion is that the operation mechanism for sports stars, enterprises and intermediary organizations in the advertising market need to be improved, and regulations such as about sports star advertisements, income distribution, portrait authority need to be introduced and perfected. 代写论文
