
越狱第三季第四集中英文剧本及笔记before you get within 30 yards of it. 越狱第三季第四集中 (是么,这里每个人都知道那围墙没用但这也改变不了什么因为外面有士兵把守只

越狱第三季第四集中英文剧本及笔记 before you get within 30 yards of it. 越狱第三季第四集中 (是么,这里 每个人都知道那围墙没用但这也改变不了什 么因为外面有士兵把守只要你在30码内他们就会把你射Previously on Prison Break (前情回顾) 死) Ijust want to go. (我只是想离开) Well, Iguess Igot alot of work to do, don't I? (我得好 好计划一下了 不是么,) It's okay. (没问题) What special talents do you have that the Company Listen, mate, I get what you're doing with my book. (听着 老兄 我知道你抢了我的书) might make the decision that you are worth more to them alive than dead? (你到底有什么能耐让中情局认 定你活着价值更大,) They hold your girlfriend, you hold what they want. (他们抓走了你的女友 而你抢走了他们要的东西) Be careful, Alex. (说话小心点阿历克斯) Countering needs. Churchill 101. (互惠互利 Churchill 101法案) They will be buried here. (他们就埋在这) Soon those bastards are going to ask me(马上那些杂种 就要来问我) Were you able to find my book? Yeah. (- 你找到我的 书了吗, -找到了)
