
Peer pressurePeer pressure is the phenomenon wherein we tend to get influenced by the lifestyles and

Peer pressure Peer pressure is the phenomenon wherein we tend to get influenced by the lifestyles and the ways of thinking of our peers. Peer pressure is like adouble-edged sword.Peer pressure can prove beneficial but it is most often observed to have negative effects on society. The purpose of this essay is to discuss thepositive and negativeeffects of peer pressure on academic performance, family life and personality . The first effects of peer pressure are about academic performance .Positive peer pressure might Improve one’s grades and confidence .It may result in trying more things or getting involved at school .While negative peer pressure might drop grades ,lower school attendance and impact ability to get into college . The second effects caused by peer pressure are upon family life.Positive peer pressure might help relationships .It improves communication with each other and results in more time with family .On the contrary,negative peer pressure might increase distance from family members .It increases negative behaviors/attitude and hurt communication thus results in less time spent at home. The third effects due to peer pressure are on
