河南省洛阳市第四初级中学2022年高三英语期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. It took _______ building supplies to construct these energy-sav
whenever they are in________ trouble. 河南省洛阳市第四初级中学年高三英语期末试卷含解析 2022 Aa; /; the Ba; the; /C/; the; the Da; the; the .... 一、选择题 参考答案: 1. It took _______ building supplies to construct these energy-saving houses. It took brains, too. B A. other than B. more than C. rather 5. The party will be held in the garden, weather than D. less than A. permitting B. to permit C. permitted D. permit 参考答案: 参考答案: B A —Do you mind if Irecord your lecture? 2. He watched her, _________. 6. A. fascinating B. fascinated C. being fascinated D. having fascinated —______. Go ahead. 参考答案: A. Never mind B B. No way 略 7. -- What was she anxious to know? C. Not at all -- She wondered ________ the workers could complete the decoration. D. No. You’d better not A. when it was B. it was when that 参考答案: C. it was when D. when it was that C 参考答案: d 3. “Mike is often absent from class.” “Tell him he _____ answer for it if he goes on behaving like that.” 略 .... Ashall Bwill Cwould Dcan The play ______ next month aims at mainly to reflect the local culture. 8. 参考答案: A. produced B. being produced C. to be produced D. having been produced A 参考答案: 略 C We should have________ sense of responsibility to do something to help________ poor 4.