机器学习题库极大似然ML estimation of exponential model (10)A Gaussian distribution is often used to model data
机器学习题库 一、 极大似然 1、 (10) ML estimation of exponential model AGaussian distribution is often used to model data on the real line, but is sometimes inappropriate when the data are often close to zero but constrained to be nonnegative. In such cases one can fit an exponential ,whose probability density function is given by distribution Nx Given observations drawn from such adistribution: i (a) b Write down the likelihood as afunction of the scale parameter . (b) Write down the derivative of the log likelihood. b (c) Give asimple expression for the ML estimate for . 2Poisson 、换成分布: 二、 贝叶斯 1、 贝叶斯公式应用 pp 1- 假设在考试的多项选择中,考生知道正确答案的概率为,猜测答案的概率为,并 1m 且假设考生知道正确答案答对题的概率为,猜中正确答案的概率为,其中为多 选项的数目。那么已知考生答对题目,求他知道正确答案的概率。: