
广东省揭阳市南怡中学2022年高三英语联考试卷含解析一、 选择题1. — A:Oh, I ______ where he lives. —B:Don’t you carry your address

参考答案: 广东省揭阳市南怡中学年高三英语联考试卷含解析 2022 D 一、选择题 解析: 考查形容词的用法。句意为:他才成为一名作家我一点也不奇怪。正当他是孩子的时 Clearcautious ,, 候,就具有丰富的想象力。表示“清楚的明确的澄清的”;表示“十分小心 1. —AOh, I______ where he lives. : funnyvivid ,, ,, 的谨慎的”;表示“滑稽的有趣的”;表示“生动的栩栩如生的鲜艳的”。根 D 据句意应选。 —BDon’t you carry your address book? : 6. According to the air traffic rules, you ______ switch off your mobile phone before bearding. —ANo, I______ to bring it. : A. may B. can C. would D. should A. forget, forget B. forgot, forgot 参考答案: C. forget, forgot D. forgot, forget D 参考答案: 解析: “ 此题考查情态动词的用法。根据句意按照空中交通规则,你应当在登机前关掉你的 ”should() 手机,所以只有应该,应当符合题意。 C 7. Anew situation is likely to____when the school learning age is____to l6. It would seem to be ageneral truth__________ nothing is as straightforward as it at first seems. 2. A. that B. when C. what D. if A.arouse,rise B.arise,raised C.rise,risen D.lift,raised 参考答案: 参考答案: A 略 B The newly built café, the walls of_______ are painted light yellow, is really a 3. peaceful place for us, especially after hard work. 8. We were put into aposition _____ we had to do something _____ we were actually A. that B. it C. what D. which unwilling to do. 参考答案: D A. when; which B. in which; that C. where; which 4. _______ from J.K. Rowling’s book series of the same title, the “Harry Potter” movies are D. that; that universally acknowledged as classics. A. Adapting B. Having adapted C. Adapted 参考答案: D. To be adapted B 参考答案: C --- Are you content with An Lee's new film Life of Pi? 9. 5. I’m not surprised that he became awriter. Even as achild he had a_____ imagination. --- Not alittle. It couldn't be _______. A. clear B. cautious C. funny D. vivid A. any better B. any worse C. so bad D. the best 参考答案:
