
C2C电子商务服务质量实证研究  摘要:C2C模式下决定顾客感知服务质量的因素包括C2C网站和C2C卖家,其中C2C网站服务质量包括网站质量、信息质量、易用性以及可靠性4个维度,C2C卖家的服务质量包

C2C电子商务服务质量实证研究 摘要:C2C模式下决定顾客感知服务质量的因素包括C2C网站和 C2C卖家,其中C2C网站服务质量包括网站质量、信息质量、易用性 以及可靠性4个维度,C2C卖家的服务质量包括客户服务质量、物流 配送质量以及可信性3个维度。顾客感知的C2C卖家质量低于C2C网 站质量,而在重视程度方面顾客更看重C2C卖家质量。 关键词:C2C;商务;服务质量;质量模型;调研 Abstract:The result showed that both C2C websites and C2C sellers determined the perceived service quality in C2C E-commerce. C2C website service quality was represented by website quality, information quality, convenience and reliability, while C2C seller service quality was represented by customer service quality, logistics distribution service quality and credibility. C2C seller service quality was much lower than C2C website service quality, but customer attached much more importance to C2C seller service quality. Key words:C2C; E-commerce;service quality;quality model; Online survey
