
2022年考博英语-武汉大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 翻译题 教育很可能是现在争议最大、争议最多的一个题目。在一个国家未来的经济增长越来越依靠科学和技术的时候,教育在一个国家未来的前途中

2022年考博英语-武汉大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解) 1. 翻译题 教育很可能是现在争议最大、争议最多的一个题目。在一个国家未来的经济增长越 来越依靠科学和技术的时候,教育在一个国家未来的前途中起着决定性的作用。今 天,享受教育的特权已不再限于极少部分人。教育的发展是如此之快,它现在已成 为一个大行业。事实上,它是最大的行业,其雇佣的人数和所付的工资比其他任何 一个全国性企业的都要多。有一些教育机构包装得非常漂亮,借以提高知名度和吸 引学生。在一定意义上讲,教育已经变成一种商品。从事教育的人对商业化这个说 法会感到很不舒服,但是,恐怕除了少数例外,很多大学已经陷入了演变成有利可 图的大规模制造厂的过程中。培养心智不再吃香;推销可出售的技能成了时髦。这 就是教育的悲剧。不用说,某种拯救教育以防其更加衰落的具有想象力的办法和共 同努力早就该出台了。竞争性的考试应该由素质教育取代,死记硬背应该让位于创 造性和解决实际问题的能力的培养。只有这样,我们才能迎来教育的真正进步。 Directions:Translate the following paragraph from Chinese into English. Please write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. 【答案】Nowadays education is probably one of the most controversial and hotly contested topics. When acountry's economic growth in the future depends more and more on science and technology, education plays adecisive role in its future. Today enjoying the privilege of receiving education is not confined to avery small number of people. The development of education is so rapid that it has now become ahuge industry. As amatter of fact, it is the biggest industry, which employs more people and pays more wages than any other national enterprise. Some educational organizations are very attractive in packing whereby they can enhance their popularity and attract students. In asense, education has become acommodity. Educators may feel uncomfortable with the idea of commercialization. But except for some exceptions, most colleges and universities are already involved in the process of evolving into large-scale profitable manufacturers. Cultivating mentality is no longer sought-after; promoting salable skills has become afashion, which is the tragedy of education. Needless to say, acertain imaginative way to rescue education
