(2)翻译中的矛盾1)理解与表达2)准确与通顺3)直译与意译1)理解与表达It may be said that comprehension is the prerequisite of repres
21231It may ()翻译中的矛盾)理解与表达)准确与通顺)直译与意译)理解与表达 be said that comprehension is the prerequisite of representation and representation is the result of comprehension. The original is the starting point and the only basis for translation. Without exact comprehension of the true sense of the original, there can not be accurate translation. In doing translation, the first thing one faces is to comprehend the source language. A translator must be very clear about the sense of each word, each phrase, each sentence and each paragraph. Ahazy notion can surely lead to mistranslation. How to acquire aprofound comprehension Whenever you get an article to translate, you’d better read it through to the end, so as to have ageneral idea of the whole piece. Then you have to try to know the background knowledge as much as possible.Good dictionaries are absolutely needed, including not only English-Chinese dictionaries, but also English-English dictionaries. New words have to be looked up in dictionaries; words which are not new to you may have new meanings in acertain context. When you begin translating the piece, the sentence structure must be made clear to you. That is to say, make aclear grammatical analysis of each sentence, long sentences in particular. Athorough understanding of the sentence structure is not enough. You are required to make sure of the meaning of the words. No context, no text. Sometimes from the context, the meaning of aword may be figured out. EX. 1…We are (准确把握词汇) confident that under your able and wise leadership the Council will arrive at